This rampage starts by approaching a hipster who is talking on his cellphone around Mirror Park near Cool Beans on Mirror Park Boulevard. Trevor before starting the fifth Rampage. Vehicles: Canis Crusader, HVY Barracks, Rhino This rampage is also considerably more difficult to survive (even using Trevor's special ability) due to splash damage from the grenades and the fact the soldiers will intentionally try to hit Trevor with their vehicles, and, obviously, the Rhinos. The Grenade Launcher is the ideal weapon because in this rampage the soldiers always come in vehicles, including Rhino tanks, though it takes multiple hits from the grenade to destroy a tank. Trevor gets angry and takes a Grenade Launcher from the truck, and the rampage starts. They will think that Trevor is a tourist, and then they will begin making jokes about Canadian people. This rampage starts by approaching two soldiers who are attempting to repair a Crusader in front of Fort Zancudo. Trevor before starting the fourth Rampage. Vehicles: Ubermacht Oracle, Lampadati Felon Be careful, it is possible for the Ballas to fire an RPG at Trevor if he moves further down the alleyway during the rampage. Trevor will headbutt a member who is holding an Assault Rifle, and the rampage starts. They will start to offend Trevor and tell him to get out of their neighborhood.

This rampage can be started by approaching two Ballas members who are loitering near an alleyway in Davis. Trevor before starting the third Rampage. Vehicles: Declasse Vigero, Albany Cavalcade Minimum Completion: Killing 30 gang members. Trevor overreacts taking offense about his accent, steals a machine gun from one member, then he gets irritated and the rampage starts. The members will notice Trevor's non-Hispanic accent and will start asking where he is from. This rampage can be started by completing Friends Reunited and approaching two Vagos members who are conversing in Spanish in East Los Santos. Trevor before starting the second Rampage. However, as of May 2014, it is only unlocked upon completion of the mission Trevor Philips Industries. In an earlier version of the game, this Rampage becomes available immediately after taking control of Trevor for the first time. Trevor fights back, acquiring the gun and beginning the mission. Upon asking for a sip of the beer, one redneck begins insulting Trevor before the other one points an Assault Rifle at Trevor.

The mission is started by approaching two rednecks drinking beer outside a Liquor Market on Marina Drive, west of Sandy Shores (denoted by a question mark on the map, though subsequent Rampage locations use a skull icon). Trevor before starting the first Rampage.